SelfHealers Soundboard
The SELFHEALERS SOUNDBOARD is a global, community-based healing experience created by Dr. Nicole LePera and Jenna Weakland. Each week, we host raw, unscripted, open conversations about the things we are REALLY dealing with on the journey of facing our pasts and becoming our best Selves. Together, as community, we create resonance with “strangers” around the world as we collectively witness our own triggers, habits, traumas, and inherent wisdom. This is, and always will be, an ad free experience.
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Episode 81: Everything Inner Child Part 2
In this episode, we share what it’s like to actually meet your inner child in daily life. You’ll learn questions to bring you closer to…

Episode 80: Everything You Need To Know About Your Inner Child
This episode is a mini course on everything inner child. You’ll learn the 7 Inner child archetypes, how to connect with your inner child, and…

Episode 79: Does Your Inner Critic Take You On A Shame Cycle?
Our inner critic is the voice in our head that judges, critiques and tells us we aren’t good enough. In this episode, we’ll teach you…

Episode 78: Where Our Beliefs Come From
In this week’s episode, we talk about what beliefs are and where we get them from. We share how beliefs impact our behavior, our body…

Episode 77: How Childhood Shapes Our Conditioned Mind
Our minds are thinking thoughts all day long. We inherit most of our thoughts from our childhood. This becomes our conditioning or the thoughts we…

Episode 76: Mind-Body Tools for Healing
Mind-body healing has become a buzzword, but how do we actually do it? In this episode, we’re giving you the practical tools from our …

Episode 75: How To Get Unstuck
In this episode, we talk about the feeling of being completely overwhelmed and stuck. We can get so overwhelmed by our own emotions, we don’t…

Episode 74: How To Break Through Self-Doubt
All humans experience self-doubt. Behind self-doubt is a universal fear that we aren’t good enough— or that we will fail. In this episode we talk…

Episode 73: Feeling Your Nervous System
We all have a nervous system that is sending us endless signals and wisdom all day, every day. In this episode, you’ll learn how your…